Lovett, Marvin G.
Published by : Journal of Management and Marketing Research (Volume 8 - September, 2011)
This paper updates the evaluation of the C.A.L.M. Method: The Consignment Auction Liquidation Marketing Method of Mass Product Distribution as well as provides a limited comparison of eBay developed and initiated in 1993 in response to the common need business organizations have for product liquidation outlets, the contemplating the distribution of products, including manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and other entrepreneurs. General merchandise is distributed via consignment auction outlets located throughout the United States. Building on a previously published ten-year time span evaluation on the effectiveness of the C.A.L.M. method, cumulative data collected over each of the subsequent five years is presented. In addition, the effectiveness of eBay as a method of auction product distribution and combined with primary data, provides comparative insight to the C the C.A.L.M. method method of distribution. Both the C.A.L.M. method and eBay quantities of merchandise on a national basis. These evaluations yield the opportunity for insight regarding each method’s actual effectiveness and add research found in this area of mass distribution.
Keywords: Consignment Auction Liquidation Marketing; C.A.L.M. Method; Mass Product Distribution; eBay; Auction; distribution channels . . ... . . (baca_selengkapnya )
Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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